Waikaia AGM and Field trip report.

Click to download PDFs of the following: Presidents Report. Financial Statement. 2015 AGM Minutes. Another marvelous couple of days spent in fine company with interesting excursions! That’s probably the best way to sum the 4th and 5th of September in Waikaia for our AGM. The standard for local hospitality was set very high at Awatere…

2015 AGM and Field trip to Waikaia

Otago Goldfields Heritage Trust AGM Field Trip to Waikaia Friday the 4th and Saturday the 5th September 2015. We have local identity and enthusiast Garth Mahon on many of our visits plus local station owners/managers and other specialist speakers throughout the weekend. Do bring your 4WD if you have one. However if you don’t, we…

2024 Cavalcade news

31st Goldfields Cavalcade, finishing in Waikaia 23rd Feb – 2nd March 2024 Click here to sign up now! For the latest, most detailed information on the experience that is Cavalcade, go to www.cavalcade.co.nz

June 2020 Newsletter

Otago Goldfields Heritage Trust Newsletter – June 2020      (Click here for a text only printable PDF) Welcome to this June 2020 Otago Goldfields Heritage Trust (OGHT) newsletter where we update members about past events and share our goals for the way ahead. Membership for the 2020/2021 season is now due. Please follow this…

May 2015 newsletter

I hope you’re all keeping warm and dry! Please click here to update your Otago Goldfields Heritage Trust membership. Membership goes from May – May so we are already in the membership period (May 2015- May 2016) See below for where your money get’s spent. Field trips: We had hoped to work in with DoC…

Field Trips

2023 6 December Nevis Valley Field Trip 2023 AGM 9 September Millers Flat  2019 19-20 October AGM and Field Trip Dunedin (Port Chalmers) 2017 3-5 April Catlins Field Trip 2016 Fruitlands and Little Valley (Alexandra) 2015 23-26 October Labour Weekend Field Trip to Ross 2015 AGM at Waikaia 4/5 September 2015 2014 AGM and Field…