OGHT and DOC collaborate on old stone wall

Restoration work was carried out on the stone retaining wall at the  Come in Time Battery (Thompson’s Gorge) late last week. This was another collaboration between DOC and the Otago Goldfields Heritage Trust. More of a story to come but here’s some photos in the meantime.

A great weekend exploring some old pubs

It was a foggy and cold morning after our AGM when 20+ keen souls boarded the bus at 8.50am to set off on the Historic Pub crawl. Dunstan House was our first destination as the original Hotel in Clyde back in 1863. This old Hotel is a beautiful example of good restoration which was actually…

Lindis signage finally up

After quite some time and a lot of work from various committee members the interpretation signage kiosk in the Lindis is finally up and for all to see! To see pdf files of the panels please click here (8MB). Did you know the Lindis was, in fact, the first site of gold discovery in Otago!!??

2010 AGM official reports

Click here for the annual accounts http://goldfieldsinc.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/oght-annual-acounts-2010.pdf Click here for the presidents report http://goldfieldsinc.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/presidents-report-for-2010-agm.pdf Click here for the minutes of the 2009 AGM http://goldfieldsinc.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/oght-agm-dunedin-2009.pdf

AGM Agenda and Nomination Form

Otago goldfields heritage trust po box 91 • cromwell • 9342 Phone: +64 3 445-0111 • email: goldfieldsinc@xtra.co.nz WEBSITE: www.goldfieldstrust.org.nz Notice of Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of the Otago Goldfields Heritage Trust, Inc will be held on Friday June 25 at the Centennial Court Motor Inn, 96 Centennial Ave, Alexandra, commencing at…

AGM and Historic Pub crawl news letter

7 May 2010 Otago Goldfields Heritage Trust newsletter and Cavalcade up-date. Important: Could you please RSVP about the AGM whether you’re coming or not just so I can confirm I have everyones’ correct addresses. Thanks very much to all of you who have sent in your subs for this year. For those of you who…

“Gold Panner” Bronze sculpture by Brian Moore

Limited Edition Bronze Sculpture “Gold panner” by Brian Moore We are very pleased to offer you the opportunity to invest in one these beautifully detailed and enduring collector’s edition bronzes by New Zealand artist Brian Moore. Born in Timaru, Brian grew up in Christchurch and has a great interest in the South Island and its rich history.  He…

Martin Anderson the new President.

We are very lucky to have Martin Anderson as our new President. Martin has been president of the Central Otago Winegrowers Assoc. and was the director of information services at the University of Otago from 1995 to 2005. Martin and his wife Sue have lived in Lowburn since 1993. They developed the Mount Michael Vineyard…

Gabriel’s Gully

Lawrence, situated only 3km away, became the gold mining centre of the Tuapeka district. By July 1861 about 150 men were reported to be at work in Gabriel’s Gully and by September of that year some 6,000 people in total were on the diggings. This population was about the same as that of Otago’s capital…